Viaduktbogen 32
6020 Innsbruck

To the Light/Over. A Postmodern Pilgrimage

Aufführung in englischer Sprache (RAI - renegade actors innsbruck)

A group of pilgrims set out to seek salvation, travelling towards the mysterious ‘Light-Tover’ (or is it Lighthouse?) where they’re hoping to meet Mr Kurtz, a most eloquent orator. En route, they tell their stories of previous travels and adventures. But the nearer they get to the Lighthouse, the farther they get from political or spiritual enlightenment. As Kurtz morphs into an erratic despot, the pilgrims turn into colonisers, and their journey becomes an invasion of a country devastated by war.

This performance offers a rich remix of texts, ranging from Virginia Woolf’s ‘To the Lighthouse’ via Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ to blog entries composed by fascinated travellers to Innsbruck, India, and the Camino de Santiago, amongst explosive dance, music, and selfie scenes.


Andrea López Barreiro, Johanna Bernhard, Christina Gschließer, Hanna Kempf, Hannah Kubanda, Sonja Plattner, Haris Ramic, Charlotte Rüggeberg, Maximilian Schweigl, Magdalena Simeoni, Martin Valter, Julia Volgger

Regieassistenz: Michaela Tusch

Ariane de Waal


Mo, 20:00
Mi, 20:00